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    Smokeball Makes Upgrades for Family Law Firms!

    Noel Peel

    Written by

    Noel Peel


    July 25, 2019

    Smokeball is thrilled to announce that development is complete for three exciting new layouts affecting the Custody, Support & Visitation, Pre Decree, Post Decree, and Parentage family law matter types in the following states: IL, CA, NY, PA, GA, and FL.

    These new layouts are the result of a year-long project by Smokeball’s team to improve the experience for family law firms. This work ensures that Smokeball remains the software leader for small family law firms throughout the country. The layouts are as follows:

    SUPPORT DETAILS (Pre Decree, Post Decree, Parentage)

    Support Details allows family law firms to enter information related to Child Support and Spousal Support, including:

    • date fields for the beginning/end dates of support payments
    • a date field for the last time an Order was modified
    • an amount field
    • a dropdown menu for the payment frequency
    • a dropdown menu establishing the Obligor/Obligee relationship
    • a checkbox for whether the support is temporary


    CHILD SUPPORT DETAILS (Custody, Support & Visitation)

    Child Support Details is new to the Custody, Support & Visitation matter type.  It functions exactly the same as the above Support Details layout, and lives on the matter level for the above state’s Custody, Support & Visitation matter types.



    This new sub-layout lives under the parties’ respective Employer contact cards.

    It contains fields for pertinent information as to the party’s employment, and lives under the role’s employer card to allow for multiple employers and details to be entered on the same matter.  The ultimate goal is to provide more information to family law firms at the click of a button.  It also allows for smarter documents when generating family law forms and letters automatically from Smokeball.

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    We’re so excited to provide these new layouts to our family law clients, and we look forward to continuing to innovate based on our clients’—who live and work in Smokeball every day—feedback and requests.

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