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October is Supporting Those Around You Month at Smokeball

Patrick Davis

Written by

Patrick Davis


October 4, 2021

October is Supporting Those Around You Month at Smokeball

In September, Smokeball focused our content on the Healthy Remote Lawyer — actionable advice for improving your own mental and emotional health while working outside the office.

Now that you’ve taken some positive steps and are working to refill your own cup, we’re excited to share ways to turn that energy outward. Throughout October, we’ll focus on how legal professionals can better support the people around them, whether that’s your colleagues, clients, family or community at large.

Traditionally for lawyers, such action has taken the form of pro-bono work, and many consider it a professional responsibility to offer at least 50 hours of free legal service annually. But legal professionals have much more to offer. Whether you’re coaching a Little League team, co-organizing a food drive or simply sitting down to help your kids with their homework, even the smallest supportive actions can go a long way for a lot of people.

Supporting Those Around You Month also coincides with one of our favorite traditions here at Smokeball: Season of Giving Back. Now in its fourth year, this charitable event drives donations via new Smokeball demos. It’s our way of giving back to local organizations who make a major difference in their communities every day. This year, Smokeball’s Season of Giving is proud to support Howard Brown Health and Equip for Equality.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more details on how you can take part in Season of Giving. And, as always, reach out to your Smokeball team or post on the Smokeball Community with any questions, comments or ideas you’d like to share related to October’s theme. We look forward to connecting!

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