Ken Bürgi has spent more than 30 years helping people with Personal Injury and Family Law matters in southern California. Prior to adopting Smokeball, the Law Office of Kenneth Stevan Bürgi ran on a server, Amicus and several programs working together (or not). Things worked well enough, but Ken sought something better.
Seeking a solution
Ken and his two part-time assistants had systems to manage the firm’s case load, but they were one server hack away from ruin. Ken studied to be a lawyer, not an IT guy. And he bore that anxiety — plus the server maintenance fees. The firm tried multiple practice management software solutions, but nothing stuck.
Smokeball: one program for all purposes
When Ken implemented Smokeball, suddenly his phone calls, emails and billing were integrated. "We're not dancing around between different programs," he says.
Smokeball Billing allows Ken to streamline his PI and family law cases even though they have completely different billing structures. Prior to Smokeball, the firm wasn’t tracking billable time for PI matters; any check meant profit. Today, thanks to AutoTime, Ken always knows his hourly rate and makes informed decisions about his caseload.
The Law Office of Kenneth Stevan Bürgi is working smarter and literally lighter. When a judge needs proof of service, Ken simply opens Smokeball on his smartphone, finds the matter and pulls up the needed document. “No more carrying 10-box files to and from the courthouse,” he says.
From “tech stress” to “tech success”
Now the Law Office of Kenneth Stevan Bürgi is server-free and doesn't sweat document storage. "Smokeball is doing all the storage for me,” Ken says. “I didn’t want to learn to manage all this [technology]. I just want to practice law." Ken channels his renewed energy to his clients, leaving the tech stress to Smokeball. And his assistants love the software because they’re similarly spending less time on coordination and more time dedicated to the work they find fulfilling.
With Smokeball, you're picking up more of your billing, and you're spending less time on the coordination. It's a double win.
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